A Legacy to Remember: Joe Parker and the Parker Brothers

No one could show a horse like Joe Parker. As a self-assured Black man with a commanding presence in the ring and the modest personality of a true professional showman, he demanded attention from the judge and audience every time he trotted into the ring with a talented horse, whether it be under saddle, driving, or in-hand. He revolutionized the Morgan Park Horse in the 1960s and ‘70s, showcasing horses that trotted off their hocks and sat higher in the bridle and taking the show ring by storm, directly in the face of racial inequalities. Moreover, he taught his sons to be the same consummate horsemen that he was.

Restoring and Repairing Tack

In this blog, we explore the various ways to repair and recondition your leather bridles, saddles, girths, halters, and stirrup leathers so that you can restore your tack to its former glory.

The Scoop on Likit Horse Toys

Seriously fun and entertaining, Likit Horse Treats and Toys are a mainstay on the shelves at The Cheshire Horse. This unique line of toys is proven to diminish the boredom and stress that horses experience in a stall, allowing them to stay mentally stimulated.