An Educated Touch: An Introduction to Equine Massage

Whether we have a professional equine massage practitioner or integrate mini-equine massages into our grooming routines, the benefits are numerous. We take a look at how massage can improve our horse’s quality of life and ways that we can support our horses with the power of touch.

Demystifying Vitamin E Supplements

Vitamin E is an essential component of your horse’s diet. Yet, many horses are not receiving adequate amounts in their diet and need additional supplementation. With the large number of vitamin E supplements available, selecting the best supplement for your horse can be a confusing process. In this blog, we take a look at the various supplement options available and help you find the best vitamin E supplement for your horse.

In the Moment: Horses and Mindfulness

Serene woman with horse

In this blog post, we explore the connection between horses and mindfulness, while taking a look at how approaching our equestrian activities with mindfulness and intent can improve our relationship with not only our horses but also with ourselves.

Fly Sheets Explained

In addition to fly sprays and fly predators, many equestrians utilize physical barrier forms of fly protection such as fly sheets and fly masks. Manufactured from a fine mesh fabric, fly sheets prevent flying insects from biting their wearer, while maintaining airflow to keep your horse a comfortable temperature. In this post, we explore the different types of fly sheets and how they can benefit various horses in our care.

Baking Simple Horse Treats

We invite you to cook along with us in the kitchen and whip up some delicious horse treats that are sure to bring some happiness to your favorite equine friends.

Indoor Fun for the Young Equestrian

Much like a horse on stall rest, our children require mental stimulation and structured physical activity to stay happy and healthy! Check out our equine-inspired indoor activity suggestions to help your child bust boredom in times of inclement weather or, you know, in times of quarantine.