Fly Sheets Explained

In addition to fly sprays and fly predators, many equestrians utilize physical barrier forms of fly protection such as fly sheets and fly masks. Manufactured from a fine mesh fabric, fly sheets prevent flying insects from biting their wearer, while maintaining airflow to keep your horse a comfortable temperature. In this post, we explore the different types of fly sheets and how they can benefit various horses in our care.

Baking Simple Horse Treats

We invite you to cook along with us in the kitchen and whip up some delicious horse treats that are sure to bring some happiness to your favorite equine friends.

Using Hoof Boots To Combat Lameness

Calling the veterinarian out to examine your horse should be your first course of action when your horse exhibits signs of lameness, but what can you do while you wait for the vet and during your horse’s recovery? In this blog, we explore the ways that you can utilize hoof boots to support your horse’s hooves to prevent and treat lameness.

A Natural Approach: Understanding Fly Predators

When it comes to your fly control options, many equestrians look to a multi-pronged approach to attack biting insects from every angle. At The Cheshire Horse, we are excited to introduce another product which will help our customers battle the bugs. Fly Predators from Spalding Labs are an all-natural way to control the fly population on your property, without utilizing any chemicals or pesticides.

Discover the Benefits of Chopped Forage

Woman feeding horse out of a bucket in front of a backdrop of hay bales

High quality forage is the cornerstone of every horse’s diet. Many horses receive their forage requirements from pasture during the summer and fall, and hay during the winter and spring. However, another forage product has become increasingly popular among horse owners. In this blog, we outline some of the benefits of feeding chopped forage to your horse.

Making Sense of CBD

In this blog post, we’re here to demystify CBD and give you the inside scoop on purchasing CBD products for you and your pets.

Preventing and Treating Blanket Rubs

When a blanket leaves rubs on your horse, it can be more than a cosmetic issue; blanket rubs can be painful to the touch and may cause muscle stiffness. Keep reading to learn how to battle blanket rubs.

Safe Travels: Trailering Precautions

The trailer is packed, your route has been planned, and you are ready to load up and head out to your next competition. But, wait, not yet! In order to ensure safe arrival at your final destination, it is essential that you perform a trailer safety check before you hit the road. Refer to our …

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