Take Our Survey for a Chance to Win $50

We would like to know what kind of information resonates most with you in email, on Facebook, on our blog, and more. When we know the subjects you care most about, we can provide you personalized service you know and trust. Our goal is to provide you with the most relevant content possible, in the most convenient way possible.

We invite you to fill out our short survey here, in order to help us do that. Responses will be collected now until February 20. All survey responses will be kept confidential.

As a thank you for your time, all survey respondents will be entered to win a $50 Cheshire Horse gift card. Three winners will be chosen.

We appreciate your time and feedback!

1 thought on “Take Our Survey for a Chance to Win $50”

  1. I’m not a fair person to ask, but I’m responding because of the possible $50 (sorry, on disability). I found you because of Breyer horses and I have to admit that is pretty much my only interest — other than gloves. Who does need gloves? If they work for a rider, they should work for a walker with a dog!


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