Fly Sheets Explained

Horseware Amigo Bug Buster Vamoose Fly Sheet with No-Fly Zone

When it comes to caring for our precious equine companions, it is essential to protect your horse from every angle. Biting insects cause more than itchy and painful bug bites, they also have the potential to transmit harmful diseases such as West Nile Virus and Eastern Equine Encephalitis. A well-rounded pest control program keeps your horse, pony, donkey, or mule comfortable and safe from fly- and mosquito-borne illness.

In addition to fly sprays and fly predators, many equestrians utilize physical barrier forms of fly protection such as fly sheets and fly masks. Manufactured from a fine mesh fabric, fly sheets prevent flying insects from biting their wearer, while maintaining airflow to keep your horse a comfortable temperature. In this post, we explore the different types of fly sheets and how they can benefit various horses in our care.

Fly Spray Infused Fly Sheets

For horses who are extremely sensitive to bug bites or those who are allergic to fly spray, we carry fly sheets that have fly spray integrated into the material. This provides an additional level of fly repelling protection without irritating or causing harm to horses that are sensitive to commercial fly repellents. They are also popular among equestrians who have a sensitivity to chemical fly sprays, which makes it hard to protect your horse without irritating yourself. The Horseware Amigo Bug Buster Vamoose Fly Sheet with No-Fly Zone is completely odorless and does not transfer any of the fly repellent onto your horse.

Because the fly spray is woven directly into the fabric, it can withstand washing and will not dissipate if your horse sweats or spends time in the rain. Fly sheets with integrated repellent work well for horses who are turned out without access to a run-in shelter or barn because many fly repellents become less effective in the hours after application.

Patterned Fly Sheets

Some manufacturers are utilizing bold designs in their fly sheets. This is more than a daring fashion statement since the coloring of some fly sheets has been specifically researched and designed to deter biting insects from landing on your horse. The Horseware Amigo Evolution Fly Sheet actually makes your horse virtually invisible to the bugs, because they are unable to perceive the colors orange and aqua. 

Horseware Amigo Evolution Fly Sheet

Meanwhile, the Bucas Zebra Sweet Itch Turnout lets your horse get in touch with his wild side and take advantage of the natural defenses of the zebra. Research has shown that the alternating stripes naturally repel flies from landing on your horse – even the large, aggressive horse flies.

Bucas Zebra Sweet Itch Turnout

Full Coverage Fly Sheets

Fly sheets come in a wide range of cuts and sizes to protect your horse. Full coverage fly sheets defend the largest area of your horse’s body. These sheets extend up your horse’s neck (the neck is often removable for versatility). Many also feature long tail and side flaps to prevent flies from crawling underneath the blanket and becoming trapped. The WeatherBeeta ComFiTec Airflow Detach-A-Neck Fly Sheet also features a wide, mesh belly band to protect the delicate skin on your horse’s barrel. They are also excellent for horses who have no access to a run-in or barn.

WeatherBeeta ComFiTec Airflow Detach-A-Neck Fly Sheet

Fly Sheets with Sun Protection

Many of the fly sheets that we carry feature SPF protection from the sun’s harmful rays, including the Horseware Mio Fly Sheet. These sheets are fantastic for dark colored horses to prevent sun bleaching and damage to the hair coat. For grey horses and horses with white markings, this integrated protection safeguard against sunburns and reduces the potential for melanoma development.

Horseware Mio Fly Sheet

Sweet Itch Sheets

Commonly referred to as sweet itch or summer itch, summer seasonal recurrent dermatitis (SSRD) is a horse’s allergic reaction to the bites of the Culicoides midge biting gnat. The tiny “no-see-ums” are able to easily fly through the mesh of traditional fly sheets; fly sheets designed to alleviate the discomfort of sweet itch utilize a mesh with a much smaller, more tightly woven mesh. Sheets like the Shires Sweet-Itch Combo Fly Sheet cover the sensitive neck and tail head areas to help to prevent the small gnats from biting your horse. Because the allergic reactions may become more severe year after year, we recommend using a sweet itch fly sheet any time a horse has suffered from sweet itch in the past as a preventative measure. 

Shires Sweet-Itch Combo Fly Sheet

Riding Fly Sheets

These innovative forms of fly sheets allow you to continue to protect your horse when you are riding to make your time in the saddle more enjoyable. They attach to your saddle securely without altering the fit, and are suitable for trail riding as well as schooling rides. These full-coverage fly sheets allow your horse to focus on your ride… not on the bugs! We carry a wide selection of fly sheets for riding, including the Horseware Amigo Fly Rider and the Cashel Quiet Ride Bug Armor.

Horseware Amigo Fly Rider

In addition to fly protection, fly sheets can protect your horse from painful skin conditions and the harmful effects of the sun. Learn more on our blog post, The Many Benefits of Fly Sheets. If you would like assistance choosing the best fly sheet for your horse we invite you to to speak to a member of our friendly and highly trained sales staff. We will work with you to determine your best fly sheet options based on your horse’s conformation, turnout situation, level of insect irritation, age, and allergies.

4 thoughts on “Fly Sheets Explained”

  1. This is a great article. I really have to get my horse a fly sheet with fly boots. He is a percheron mix. What are good fly boots to purchase?


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