Deck the Stalls! Safe & Festive Barn Decorations

Holiday wreath on barn

More than ever, many people are looking for ways to fill their hearts and homes with holiday cheer. For some, this means decorating their house, both inside and out! The magic of the season doesn’t have to be relegated to just your home… consider including your horses in the festivities. In this blog, we look at a few ways to safely and beautifully decorate your barn.

It’s All in the Details

It only takes a few simple touches to bring a bit of festive flair to your barn. Hanging wreaths on the barn doors is an easy way to decorate for the holidays. Add an old, unused bit to the wreath for a subtle touch of cozy, equestrian flair.

If you have a good place to hang them, try adding stockings to your stall doors. Make sure that they are hung out of reach so that your horse cannot chew on them (it may not be appropriate with dutch doors). Then, fill them with horse treats and goodies that you can dole out throughout the season. If you keep your horse at a boarding barn, consider baking a batch of horse treats to share with your stablemates!

Do you have an extra pair of field boots or dress boots in the tack room? Insert a piece of a foam pool noodle into the boot to help keep it standing, then add evergreen branches and a bow for an easy and elegant seasonal look. Place them on the corner of the tack room or by the barn door to greet guests.

Horse with wreath on tack room door

Safe Plants

Touches of evergreen is a hallmark of the holiday season, and there is no reason why you can’t integrate it into your barnyard decor. The vast majority of evergreen varieties are not poisonous to horses, and they tend to avoid the branches. However, even though the plants are generally not toxic to horses, they are not recommended for consumption. Hang the greenery away from the stalls where horses may be tempted to nibble. Instead, try hanging it over the tack room and feed room doors, along the eaves, or outside the barn doors.

A Christmas tree can be a festive addition to a barn. Consider putting one in the tack room and decorating it with ribbons from prior horse show seasons for an equestrian flair. Generally, artificial trees are considered to be safer because they are not a fire hazard (look for one that is labeled flame retardant). If you choose to use a real tree, make sure that it is well-watered to limit its combustibility. Avoid tinsel as a tree decoration, since many barn cats find it irresistible; when ingested, tinsel can cause an intestinal blockage.

Some plants, such as mistletoe and holly, are not recommended to be used in the barn. They are toxic to horses, as well as other barnyard animals, such as dogs and cats. While they may be lovely, it just isn’t worth the inherent risk.

Christmas tree with horse show ribbons as decorations

Light It Up

Twinkling lights can be a gorgeous addition to the exterior of your barn, but they require a bit of preparation and planning… as well as constant monitoring. If you choose to utilize lights as part of your holiday decor, it is essential that the lights are outdoor lights that are ready to brave the elements. For safety reasons, you will need to place lights only in locations where horses cannot chew on or play with the wires. Virtually inspect the wires on a regular basis to confirm that horses or other critters, such as mice or rats, are not chewing on the wires and creating a potential fire hazard.

Shop for lights that do not emit heat, such as LED lights. You may also want to keep the lights on a timer to limit the risk of the bulbs overheating.

We know that this holiday season feels a bit different than those in years past. No matter how you decide to celebrate the holidays this year, just remember—everything is better when horses are involved!

Are you looking for holiday treats for your horses and festive sweets for your barn mates? We have you covered! Our extensive selection of horse treats and chocolates will ensure that you can easily purchase something for everyone on your holiday shopping list.

All images are courtesy of Pemberly Oaks Equestrian in Wrentham, MA.

1 thought on “Deck the Stalls! Safe & Festive Barn Decorations”

  1. We are aware that the Christmas season seems a little bit different this year compared to previous years. Remember that regardless of how you choose to spend the holidays this year, one thing is certain: anything that includes horses is certain to be more enjoyable.


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